A rehearsal photo and an article from the Evening Gazette...

L to R: Ruby Hill (Iolanthe)   Fowler Wade (Sentry)   Rita Cookson (Fairy Queen)
Mary Richardson (Celia)   Miss C Walsh (Fleta)   Marjorie Evered (Leila)

Gilbert and Sullivan's "Iolanthe"
(By our Music Critic)

The Marton Parish Church Choral and Operatic Society made their initial adventure into Gilbert and Sullivan opera in the Parochial Hall, Marton, last night, before a large attendance.
  Their happy choice was "Iolanthe," the jubilee of whose production at the Savoy Theatre on November 22nd, 1882, was celebrated last Friday night.
  Produced in the traditional Savoy opera fashion by Mr. Sidney King, of St. Annes, late a member of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Co., it may at once be said that the Marton folk, with a zeal and earnestness to which we are now accustomed, made a tremendous success of their job.
  The dainty absurdity of this well-known opera, wedded, as it is, to some of Sullivan's most characteristic music, was vividly realised by a company of 40.
  From the first entry of the Fairies to the concluding joyous chorus of the entire corps dramatique (with wings and all!) there was not a dull moment, and it is certain that many members of the audience will be there each of the four nights the opera is played - Saturday sees the finale.
  There is a really fine Lord Chancellor in Mr. A. Howarth, a charming Iolanthe who sings well (Miss R. Hill), a sparkling Queen of the Fairies in Miss R. Cookson, a capable Private Willis in Mr. F. Wade, a graceful Shepherdess (Phyllis) in Miss E. Whiteley, with Mr. E. Rimmer a personable Strephon, and the Misses M. Evered, M. Richardson, C. Walsh, and Messrs W. L. Andrew and F. Smith good in minor roles.
  Add to this the presence of a fine and picturesque company of members of the House of Lords, a bevy of charming Fairies, lovely scenic effects, a good orchestra, and an alert conductor in Mr. Walter Hogarth, and you have all the ingredients for success.
  An extended report will appear in Saturday's "Gazette & Herald."

[No doubt it did appear, but we don't have it in our collection unfortunately.]

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