Marton Operatic Society, a go-ahead and zealous body of musicians,
have been "on their toes" this week in their presentation
of the propular comic opera "The Mikado". They
conclude a five-nights' run to-night. As I reported
in Wednesday's "Evening Gazette", the production has again
been a great success. Steeped as Mr. Sidney King
(the producer) is in the Savoy traditions, the show has developed
on more or less orthodox lines, and there has, wisely, been no introduction
of local "colour". The cast is uniformly
good, and the team work throughout has been a characteristic feature.
The Martonians are a happy crowd, and their zest and
the extreme pleasure they take in reproducing every detail is an
enviable thing, indeed. Off to Farnworth
Limitations of stage apart, the hall is quite adequate,
but it will be interesting to see how they go on in a hall holding
1,000 people, and with a larger stage. For the Society
are taking the production in its entirety to Farnworth (Bolton)
on Monday. They will play beforetheir largest audience,
and I am sure they will give entire satisfaction. The
chorus has distinguished itself vocally, and their deportment and
make-up, not to mention the beautiful costumes, has added to their
all-round excellence. Mr. William Hogarth has earned
much commendation, too, on his work as the musical director. Well-Drilled
Cast It would be invidious to individualise
regarding the cast. They have been well drilled and
neither over-act nor over-sing their parts, and always fit into
the scheme of things. Congratulations, therefore,
to a good team... The size of the audiences undoubtedly
indicates that there is still a good public for these operas.