From the Gazette of 25 November 1950...
The joyous "Paradox"
trio, the exquisite duet, "Ah, leave me not to pine" for Mabel
and Frederic, Major-General's sublime ballad, "Sighing softly to the
river", with its choral refrain - these were some of the rich contributions
in the perfect second act of "The Pirates of Penzance" by Marton
Parish Church Choral and Operatic Society in the Parochial Hall, on Tuesday
A large audience gave a great send-off to the opera which each
night since has proved a popular attraction.
The final performance will
be given tonight.
Sidney King is again the producer, the traditional
story is naturally contrived, and the old work (it is almost 70 years since
it was produced) often seemed to take on a new lease of life.
Mr Leslie
Whittaker skilfully directed the music and gave a virile impression of a
beautiful score, though unfortunately, on Tuesday night, the overture was
ruined by latecomers and small talk.
Mr Philip Cumberbatch led a competent
Ruth (Mona Etherington) the pirate maid of all work, though
too young for the role, despite a good make-up, was outstanding both histrionically
and vocally. She was well supported by Gladys Metcalfe, an experienced
Mabel who, by the way, sang with commendable restraint, and by Joyce Crowther,
Maisie Moister, and Mona Etherington [actually Margaret Fletcher],
the three young daughters of the general.
In the male cast, Kenneth Nicholls,
in the role of the Major-General, was really authentic - he sang and acted
well and his patter song reached us distinctly. Indeed, clear
diction was outstanding throughout.
Arthur Sharp and Jack Wade, the former
as the pirate king, were well in the picture, and William J Moister, the
sergeant of the police, also scored heavily.
The pirate apprentice, W
J Marsh, whom I have heard twice in the work recently, also contributed
well to the performance, and the chorus merited very high praise indeed
- they responded well to Mr Whittaker's demands throughout.
then follows a list of chorus members, officials and backstage helpers.
Despite the occasional error, a really thorough reporting effort
from H.F.W!]