Devotees of Gilbert and Sullivan
in Blackpool will never be without live performance of the Savoy
Operas as long as we have such expert local enthusiasts as the Marton
Parish Church Operatic and Dramatic Society. In over
40 years they have performed most - and probably all - of the operas
more than once. And they have acquired a musical
and theatrical expertise second to none which is a credit to such
a comparatively small society. Their latest offering is the
ever-popular "The Pirates of Penzance", which is to be
staged in the Church Hall, Preston Old-road, next week. The principals include Eric Gilfoy
as Frederic, John Burn as Major General Stanley, Conrad Pate as
the Pirate King, Alan Brown as the Sergeant of Police, and Jim Millard
as Samuel. Mabel will by played by Margaret Elkin, Ruth
by Marilyn Wilson, and Edith, Kate and Isabel by Bebe Hilton, Tina
Bywater and Margaret Hayhurst. Robert Atherton is musical director
and John Shedwick the producer.
The ever popular Gilbert & Sullivan opera, "The
Pirates of Penzance", is this year's choice by the Marton Parish Church
Operatic and Dramatic Society. The spirited tale of piracy, deception and
devotion to duty is performed with an enthusiasm which would put many professional
performances to shame. The popularity of Gilbert & Sullivan cannot be
doubted - the full house on the opening night proved that - and it is hardly
surprising with the liveliness and clarity of so many of the songs. The
limitations of a church hall could show through but the Marton Society overcame
all this and their obvious enjoyment of the music spurs chorus and leading singers
alike into memorable performances, which the audience lap up. In a
production where everyone shines it is unfair to single out individual performances
but Conrad Pate, as the Pirate King, and Margaret Elkin as Mabel, the Major-General's
daughter who falls in love with Frederic, the Pirate apprentice (Eric Gilfoy),
deserve special mention. The opera, in the Church Hall, Preston Old-road,
is on until Saturday November 17th and deserves the support of everyone who
wants a thoroughly enjoyable night out.