From the Evening Gazette 15 November 1934...

The Marton Parish Church Choral and Operatic Society are presenting the third of their Gilbert and Sullivan cycle of operas, "The Yeomen of the Guard," in the Parochial Hall at Marton.
  They have the benefit of Mr Sidney King, of St. Annes, an old member of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Co., as producer and, making allowances for the usual first-night "nerves," this difficult opera had a great deal of colour about it, both musically and as a spectacle.
  It is collectively, rather than individually, that these enterprising amateurs are most pleasing.   There are no unusual voices, just adequate ones; no dominating personalities, only engaging ones; no ravishing beauties, just fresh and comely English faces in comely period dress; no star comedians, only two folk trying their level best - and often succeeding - in these Gilbertian drolleries.
  A company, in short, preserving the lette and much of the spirit of the traditional Gilbert and Sullivan operas.
Gracious and entirely personable is the Elsie Maynard of Jennifer North who, of course, has had a great deal of experience with the D'Oyly Carte Co.   She sings charmingly and naturally and with the proper weight and quality as, does Ruby Hill, as a winsome and altogether sweet Phoebe Meryll.
  Phoebe's piquant "Were I they Bride" was one of the best numbers of the evening.
  The unprepossessing Shadbolt was cleverly portrayed by James V. Partridge, who was grimly miserable in a comic way throughout.
  Jack Spencer, too, was excellent in Fairfax.   He was quite cultured vocally, and the beautiful "Is Life a Boon" - a song on a very high plane - was most artistic.   So, too, was "Free from his Fetters."
  The Jack Point of Arthur D. S. Walls had much to commend it.   Fowler Wade was a success as Sergeant Meryll, as were William Tillotson (Leonard Meryll) and John Woolfall (Sir Richard).
  The Dame Carruthers of Miss Peggy Cardwell was a studied presentation, and she sang her graphic song of the Tower splendidly, and she had the support of a good foil in Mrs. L. Calvert, who impersonated her niece.
  Minor parts were well sustained by Messrs John Gibson, Fred Moulding, Harold Holden, John Wade, Wilfred Ellis, and Wilfred Hollows.
  Mr W. Hogarth, the musical director, handled a diversified and elaborate score with decision, and Miss R. Nelson accomplished wonders at the piano, as she has done, by the way, throughout rehearsals, with a willing assistant in Miss E. Whitehead.
  The chorus work was excellent, though insufficient contralto tone upset the balance now and then.
  The picturesque Tower warders sang their opening chorus of pride and bravery most expressively.